

Posted on: 01/06/2020

‘We are delighted to inform you that COPTHALL SCHOOL has successfully met the criteria for the Foundation level of the British Council International School Award. Congratulations!’

‘The International School Award rewards schools that have shown a commitment to embedding international awareness and understanding within their class or school.’

The assessor had this to say about us :

‘You have demonstrated that you wish to start bringing an international element into your curriculum and school population to compliment the values you already hold, and with a diverse student body, you clearly also have opportunities to develop this further.

  • Your  Stem scholar’s heritage language project has demonstrated that you are utilising the languages of the pupils already in school for the benefit of other students, and
  • Your International Evening has expanded this into the culture and traditions of your different students and their families , providing a greater understanding of different cultures, language, and ways of life throughout the school population.
  • You already celebrate World Book Day and International Women’s Day, and this can be built on further with a greater focus on literature or inspirational women from another country.

‘The activities you have completed so far demonstrate international work across different cultures and different curriculum areas... Now that you have successfully reached the Foundation level the next stage for you to work towards is the Intermediate Certificate.’

We  reported on the international activities that took place since this academic school year. We will receive a letter and a certificate to formally recognise the achievement.

