Admission to Year 7
Thank you for your interest in Copthall School.
Applications for places at Copthall School should be made to your home borough as part of the pan-London coordinated admissions process. To complete your application form online, please visit www.eadmissions.org.uk
Our Over-Subscription Criteria is set out in our Admissions Policy.
In-Year Admissions Years 7-11
These are also part of a co-ordinated system operated by the London Borough of Barnet ‘In Year School Admissions’. Any requests for admission to Copthall School for entry after the start of Year 7, should be directed to School Admissions as detailed below.
The London Borough of Barnet Admissions Section is based at:
School Admissions
2 Bristol Avenue
Telephone: 020 8359 7651
Appeals Process
Appeals for children who are not offered a place a Copthall School will be heard in line with our admissions appeals procedure.
Admissions Appeals - Dates & Information 2024/2025 Timetable
Sixth Form Admissions
Our Sixth Form entry requirements are streamlined into pathways, there are different entry requirements for each pathway.
Pathway one: Students will typically have a grade 4 or above in English and Maths and an average grade of a 4 or above in their other subjects. Students will study either a vocational selection of subjects, or a mixture of vocational subjects and an academic A Level, so long as the individual entry requirements are met.
Pathway two: Students will typically have a grade 5 or above in English and Maths and grades 5-9 in other subjects. Students on pathway two will study a choice of academic or A Levels as long as they meet the entry requirements for each individual subject.
Students must have passed their English or Maths GCSE to meet the admissions requirements for study at Copthall Sixth Form. We are unable to accept students who have not passed either subject.
In order to apply to Copthall School for the Sixth Form, please complete and submit the Application Form here