
Exam Results


Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

GCSE Headlines 2023

All Subjects


English & Maths

Attainment 8

Progress 8

  • % 9 – 7: 26%
  • % 9 – 5: 55%
  • % 9 – 4: 68%

% Entries: 59%

% Strong Ebacc: 29%

% Standard Ebacc: 46%

% achieving 5+ in both: 52%

% achieving 4+ in both: 63%



  • the percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after Key Stage 4 (pupil destinations) is 96%


A level and Vocational Headlines 2023

All Subjects

Other Headlines

A* - A:   7%

A* - B:   23%

A* - C:   44%

A* - E:   89%

Average A level Grade:                   D+

Average Vocational Grade:           Merit