
Welcome to the Physical Education Department

Our Department Vision : ‘Actively Engage…….’

To create an enjoyable and productive working environment for both staff and pupils, where, together we strive to actively engage to learn and improve and where participation and achievement is measured, monitored and celebrated.

As a department, we aim to provide a challenging, disciplined and safe environment for high quality learning and teaching. Pupils should experience a balance of activities which has the necessary coherence and breadth to develop the Curriculum.

Progression should be evident as the pupil passes through key stage 3  to 4 with an extended choice of activity to ensure the pupil is offered a stimulating and relevant school choice in PE.

By the end of their physical education at Copthall, the pupil should have developed a personal commitment to, and genuine passion for, maintaining their health and well-being into adult life. 

The Curriculum Leader may be contacted via email

Aims and Objectives of the PE Department


  • To encourage and motivate all students to develop their full potential through a range of purposeful, yet enjoyable activities within a challenging environment.
  • To promote the acquisition and application of skills appropriate to each activity and to develop the ability to positively transfer skills across activities.
  • To instil sound knowledge of personal and group safety when being physically active.
  • To develop an understanding of the benefits of participation in physical activity now and in later life.
  • To develop an appreciation of skilful and creative performances in a variety of sports activities.
  • To develop equality of opportunity for all, whilst recognising the aspirations of ethnic and cultural minorities.
  • To promote the development of interpersonal skills (organisation, co-operation, initiative and responsibility) and to heighten self-esteem, whilst encouraging tolerance of and respect for other groups and individuals.
  • To provide the necessary stimuli to encourage the development of decision making, imaginative thinking and problem solving.
  • To encourage students to develop personal qualities of commitment, fairness and enthusiasm and an appreciation of honest competition and good sportsmanship.
  • To improve pupils’ ability to accurately evaluate their own and others’ performance in order to support progression.


The objectives are to be obtained taking considerations of the 5 strands of the National Curriculum  

  • To develop in students an awareness of her fitness, particularly in relation to strength, stamina, endurance and mobility.
  • To develop the skills and fitness to perform activities more successfully, whilst being sensitive to the talents and limitations of others.
  • To promote awareness that participation in physical activity can also improve alertness and social competence.
  • To develop confidence and thus encourage participation in sport outside school, leading to an appreciation of meaningful use of leisure time and opportunities.
  • To encourage students to become organised, self-motivated and sensitive to personal hygiene.

“We are delighted that our Outdoor Gym has proved to be very popular and is enjoyed by all ages and abilities. Fresh Air Fitness provides specialist outdoor gym equipment for schools. Outdoor gyms are a fantastic way to introduce children to exercise and will enrich the school’s Physical Education programme in a fun and innovative way. Find out more about the many benefits of using Outdoor gym equipment here. “


Physical Education KS3 Curriculum Map

Physical Education KS4 Curriculum Map






Extra-Curricular PE

Careers & Employment

Physiotherapist, Nutritionist, Sports Medicine Doctor, Veterinary Science, Pharmacologist, Biomedical Engineer, Exercise Physiologist, Sports Scientist, Sports Psychologist, Sports Lawyer, Sports Agent, Sports Journalist, Coach, Personal Trainer, Biomechanic.

Recommended Reading


For indoor use we have:

A Sportshall equipped with court markings and equipment for: 4 Badminton Courts
1 Netball Court
1 Volleyball Court

1 Basketball Court
3 Cross Court Basketball Courts 1 Tennis Court

A Gymnasium equipped with equipment and mats

This space also holds four trampolines

Main Hall which is used for Gymnastics and Trampoline lessons

For outdoor use we have:

4 Netball Courts 1 hockey pitch

A grass field and marking for: 5 rounders pitches
300m athletics track
100m sprint track

Long jump pit Shot putt circle Javelin area Discus circle

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