
Activity Morning with Y8 Hasmonean and Copthall students

Posted on: 10/07/2017

We look forward to a new project begining this month between Copthall School and Hasmonean school. As a start to this project we are planning an activity morning on Tuesday 18th July for 80 Year 8 Copthall students and 80 Year 8 Hasmonean students.  

The purpose of the activity is for the students to get to know a little about each other on both a personal and cultural level, and to break down some barriers through a fun and informative morning.

It is hoped that there will be some positive outcomes which will be of benefit both to the participating students and to the school as a whole.  Whilst celebrating the diversity of our school and sharing this with a faith school community we will be supporting our school values of pride and respect of our diversity and a tolerant and inclusive ethos.  It will also help to promote British Values of ‘mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’ and the social and cultural aspects of SMSC.

